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Gerne zählt man auf Webseiten irgendwas auf.
Das sieht vor allem
mit Icons toll aus und vermittelt Kompetenz.
Html5 is the current standart for structuring and presenting web content. It provides the foundation for creating well-organized and semantically meaningful web pages, allowing for efficient and accessible informationdissemination
CSS3 is the current standart for styling and designing web pages. It enables the separation of presentation and content, offering extensive control over the visual appearance of web elements
JavaSkript empowers web developers to buildinteractive and dynamicfunctionalities. It is a versatile programming language that runs on the client side and enables real-time updates, user interactions, and data manipolation.
PHP is a server-side scripting language widely used for web development. With PHP, developers can create dynamic web pages process forms, interact with databases, and build robust web applications.